We welcomed the author Zhu You-Xun to the Chinese Studies Seminar

On Wednesday 22.11. we welcomed the author Zhu You-Xun to the Chinese Studies Seminar, who introduced two important authors in his presentation: Ne Hualing and Jing-chen Chen (Chen Yingzhen).
After a short introduction about the history of Taiwan by Dr. Wei-lun Lu, our honored guest Jou-sün Chu 朱宥勳 introduced the participants to the life story and work of Hua-ling Ne and Jing-chen Chen who were influenced by the political situation in Taiwan and China during the Cold War.
The lecture was followed by refreshments and free discussion.
Daniel Lechovič, a student of Chinese Studies at MU, interpreted the event. We are very glad that Jou-sün Chu accepted the invitation and introduced this part of literature to the audience.
本(馬薩里克大學漢學)系於11月22日星期三 舉辦知名臺灣作家朱宥勳的演講,他在演講中介紹了兩位重要的作家:聶華苓和陳映真。
本系學生龍慧福 Daniel Lechovič 為這項活動提供了口譯服務。 我們很高興朱作家能蒞臨本系,向在場的老師、同學介紹了臺灣的文學和知名作家。