Courses taught
Spring 2025 at Faculty of Arts
- Jak Číňané vnímají svět: Čínské vize pro 21. století (CORE102)
- Academic Conference - Active Participation (KSCB782)
- Academic Chinese II (KSCA656)
- Anthropology of China (KSCA605)
- Bachelor thesis seminar II (KSCA201)
- Bachelor's Thesis in Studies in Chinese Studies (KSCZ02)
- Business Chinese II (KSCB922)
- Cantonese II (KSCB128)
- Communism in the 21st century in Asia (CORE028)
- Connected Speech Chinese Phonetics (KSCB107)
- Constitutions and constitutionalism in China (KSCB705)
- Constitutions and constitutionalism in China for Bc. program (KSCB176)
- Dril for Mgr. program II (KSCB924)
- Dril for Mgr. program IV (KSCB925)
- Dril II (KSCB113)
- Dril IV (KSCB115)
- Dril VI (KSCB124)
- Ethnography of communication in fieldwork (KSCB210)
- Final Bachelor's Examination (KSCBZk)
- Final Master's Examination (KSCZkM)
- History of China (to the end of 18th c.) (KSCA027)
- History of Chinese Thought (KSCA022)
- Chinese Grammar II (KSCA005)
- Chinese II (KSCA007)
- Chinese IV (KSCA009)
- Chinese territorial conflicts (KSCB044)
- Chinese VI (KSCA011)
- Intensive Conversation for beginners (KSCB014)
- Intensive Conversation for MA. program once a week (KSCB910)
- Intensive Conversation for MA. program twice a week (KSCB912)
- Intensive Conversation I once a week (KSCB012)
- Intensive Conversation II twice a week (KSCB013)
- Intercultural communicaiton - internship (KSCB209)
- Language, Culture and Mind (LCM01)
- Listening in Chinese (KSCB122)
- Master's Thesis in Chinese Studies (KSCDM19)
- Master's Thesis Seminar II (KSCA699)
- Modern Chinese II (KSCX02)
- Modern Chinese IV (KSCX04)
- Modern Chinese Literature (KSCB002)
- Political nd Social System of PRC (KSCA607)
- Practical Chinese for Mgr. program II (KSCA652)
- Practical Chinese for Mgr. program IV (KSCA654)
- Reading in Chinese II (KSCA021)
- Selected chapters from modern Chinese history II (KSCB083)
- Taiwan: A Contested Democracy under Threat (KSCB175, KSCB762)
- Theory and Practice in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (KSCB205)
- Translation Seminar (KSCB903)
- Translation Workshop (KSCB763)
- Vietnam War (KSCB090)